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How far would you travel for the gift of sight?


Do you know how far people sometimes travel to get to a SeeKenya clinic? Since we started our ‘pop-up’ clinics in 2011, we have seen people travel hundreds of miles for eye care, sometimes even from neighbouring countries like Ethiopia. Some have even committed their life savings just to get to Meru, while others have sacrificed all or part of their income for loved ones to reach the clinics. 

They make this journey because they believe it’s worth it. That they’ll receive what they’ve been searching for. Hope.* 

Hope looks like SeeKenya. 

Maybe it’s a pair of glasses, medical treatment for a condition like glaucoma or even for the possibility of restoring their sight from blindness. But ultimately, it’s a second chance at life for many, whose quality of life has been so impaired by a lack of eye care services. 

For our Kenyan team, who partner with us at the pop-up clinics, some travel miles from across Kenya to be a part of what SeeKenya is doing. They continue the work all year round ensuring that referrals are carried out, and those who need long-term, specialist care, will receive it. They have other jobs, and work for their churches, but they recognise the value of SeeKenya and they want to be a part of it. 

For our UK volunteers, they have travelled over 4000 miles, sacrificing their time and income because they know they are a part of something life-changing. They know their time in Kenya will be richly rewarding, as they seek to serve some of the world’s most marginalised. 

For our Trustees, they consistently give to SeeKenya, day in and day out. They work behind the scenes to ensure that we are moving in the right direction as a  charity, making the greatest impact we can. Some have been a part of SeeKenya since its humble beginnings, handing out glasses from a suitcase in 2011. They remain committed to open eyes to a better life for countless individuals across Kenya. 

For Edward and Fridah Buria, they will always find a way to serve their community, believing that change is possible, and that it starts with us. The Burias are true champions of SeeKenya, and their passion to see their community thrive is infectious. Mama Fridah Buria works with us everyday during the long 12-hour clinic days, while Edward Buria leverages his influence to showcase the critical work of SeeKenya, providing us with a platform to reach millions across Kenya. 

It’s these consistent small acts of the ordinary, that together, create something extraordinary. It takes all of us to bring SeeKenya’s vision to life. 

So the question remains: How far would you go to support SeeKenya?

While none of us can do everything, we believe that fundamentally, we can all do something. 

It might mean stepping on a plane to witness SeeKenya’s life changing work for yourself, and to come back with a renewed commitment to support SeeKenya. It might look like setting up a monthly donation to ensure that we can plan effectively for the future and build on our impact. It might involve inviting SeeKenya to give a talk at your business, school or church, to empower others to hear our vision and get connected with our work. 

Whatever small steps you take, you are part of a much bigger movement of change, as together, we help open eyes to a better life. 

 *The permanent clinic is also known as Isiome Hope Centre - truly a place of hope. 


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